Boosting Your Curb Appeal on a Budget This Spring

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and in real estate, it is crucial that the first impression is a good one. Your curb appeal is that first impression, which is the exterior of the home that can be seen from the street and the yard. When someone pulls up to your home for the first time, viewing it to possibly purchase it, if the yard is a mess or the paint is peeling on the siding, they may not even want to look at the interior of the home. So, upping your curb appeal is necessary to ensure you can get a good price for your home and increase your overall property value. Here, we are going to look at some things you can do this spring to boost your curb appeal on a budget.
Update the Front Door
Since the front door is how potential buyers will enter your home for the first time, upgrading it and giving it a fresh new look. Many homeowners will choose to repaint their front door since a fresh coat of paint will make anything look clean and crisp, but you can take that front door upgrade one step further. You can install faux stone around your front door, giving it a textured look. While it is a little more work than a coat of paint, it is still doable on a budget, and it can only take a single weekend to do.
You can also hang something new on the front door or add some cute spring decorations, like some bright flowers or a colorful springy wreath on the door.
Get New Light Fixtures
Light fixtures, especially the ones outside, tend to collect bugs and grime over the years, and they are such a small thing that many may not think to change them. If you need to save money, simply cleaning the light fixtures will do, but the chances are they have been there for the entire time you have owned the home, so getting new ones is a good idea.
If you have a walkway, line it with some solar lights; not only will they look nice, but they will project a feeling of safety since it means guests will not have to walk down a dark path at night.
Trim and Prune
Do you have any window shrubs or bushes that have not been trimmed or pruned in a while? Unkempt shrubs like this can kill your curb appeal because they provide cover for a would-be burglar. Trim the bushes or shrubs to give them a nice flat top so that people can see your windows and take away cover. Also, the bushes and shrubs might be looking a little gangly as they shed their leaves, so pruning them will boost your curb appeal. Approximately 15 percent of the value of a home is in landscaping, so taking the time to straighten up your yard can boost your curb appeal without breaking the bank.
Pressure Wash Your Walkways and Driveway
Fallen leaves, lawn trimmings, flower petals, dirt picked up by storms, and other things can make a walkway or driveway look shoddy. Power washing them can make them look clean and refreshed, giving you a budget-friendly boost to your curb appeal that is simple to do. You can rent a pressure washer from a hardware store, or you can buy an attachment for your own hose to do it; both of these options are relatively inexpensive.
Replace Your House Numbers
Like your light fixtures, your house numbers have probably been there since you bought the house. They might be outdated and look dingy after all of these years. You can find some new house numbers for a reasonable price, and they will provide an instant boost to your curb appeal.
Prospective buyers will be looking for those numbers when they come to see your house, so having clean and stylish house numbers shows that you pay attention to the little things and makes it easier for them to find the house. If they have trouble finding the house numbers because they are old and hard to spot, they will come into your home frustrated; if the numbers are clean and easy to spot, they will be happier when they tour the house.
Update Your Mailbox
While you are at it replacing old things that have been at your home since you bought it, take a look at your mailbox. If it looks old and dingy, consider replacing it. If you want to get creative with it, you can add faux stone to the mailbox post, which will make it look like you have a natural stone mailbox post, but for a significantly lower price than real stone.
Brighten up the Lawn
Even the greenest lawns often lost their luster over the winter because the grass hibernated for the winter. If your lawn is looking dingy, you can purchase lawn paint to make it green again. Lawn paint is designed to be non-toxic to the grass, people, and animals; it is water-based and good for all grasses. It usually lasts at least a month before you need a new application, but by then, your lawn should have regained its natural luster. Your lawn will look its best and boost your curb appeal quickly and easily.
Add Seating
If you have a covered porch, gazebo, or pergola add some seating to it to make it and your home look more inviting to visitors. It will signal to the buyers that the neighborhood is social, and it can give them a place to discuss submitting an offer after a tour. Depending on your local climate, this might not be feasible in the spring, but it is an affordable way to add some charm to your home and curb appeal.