Social Media Aggregator Or Instagram Code – To Embed Instagram Feed

You might have read various ways and methods to embed Instagram feed on website, and by now, you must be well aware that the options that stand out are – Social media aggregator and Instagram embedding code. So, if you are still in a dilemma on choosing the best option, you have arrived at the right place.
This blog will find a detailed analysis of both measures to choose which is better to embed Instagram feed on website. So without any delays, let’s get into the topic’s core and understand each method.
Social Media aggregators vs Instagram embedding code
Although there are various adding Instagram feed on the website, these methods stand out from the rest because they are easy to follow and do not require any coding skills or knowledge. So it’s time to determine which method stands out as more straightforward and has more benefits than these options.
Social Media Aggregators
Social media aggregators are powerful tools that have made the embedding process simple and have been restricted to following a few simple steps.
First of all, let’s talk about the process. So, to embed Instagram feed on website using social media aggregators, all you have to do is – choose a social media aggregator and sign up (There are ample tools currently available on the internet, explore them and choose the one that best suits you). Then, collect the feed using the tool. Next, copy the embedding code provided by the tool, and paste it to the website’s backend.
Alongside easing the embedding process, social media aggregators also offer various useful features that favour this method. Like – it provides customization features. With the customization feature, you can personalize the widget as per your need. Here, you can change the font size, background style, background colour, etc. In short, you design the widget as per your need.
Also, it provides a moderation feature that allows you to remove the posts you think are irrelevant or inappropriate for your website. You can either remove them manually or choose to use a profanity filter. Profanity filter, remove the content consisting of provided keyword automatically. So, you can just instruct the tool to avoid showcasing the content with certain keywords, and tools automatically remove them from the website feed.
Moreover, social media aggregator tools have an auto-update feature that provides real-time updates, which means that as soon as the content uploads to the source, the tool with display it on the website without delays.
Custom CTA, responsive feed, custom CSS, are some of the other major features of social media aggregators take makes it stand out as one of the best ways to embed Instagram feed on website.
Instagram embedding code
Instagram provides an embedding code for each of its content. Many prefer using it while adding Instagram feed to website.
To embed Instagram feed using Instagram embedding code, all you have to do is – copy the embedding code and paste it to the website’s backend.
People who don’t want to use any tool for the website and are very picky about the content prefer opting for this process.
But there are certain restrictions on this method. Firstly, you cannot customize the feed as per your need as you can while using a social media aggregator. And secondly, you have to go through the process every time you look to embed content on the website.
But if you are very picky about the content to display on the website and have enough time to invest in finding appropriate content, you can use this method.
Social media aggregators stand out as a better option per the analysis. Because these tools provide beneficial features that work in their favour alongside easing the embedding process, these features also bring more significance to this strategy and make it more effective.
Various social media aggregator tools are readily available on the internet, so explore them, try them, test them, choose the one that best fulfils your requirements, and embed Instagram feed on the website with ease.